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Avenue Therapeutics主辦甘迺迪氏症專家/意見領袖線上座談會


Avenue Therapeutics Inc.202444日,主辦甘迺迪氏症(或稱SBMA) 專家線上座談會。這個線上座談活動由Avenue Therapeutics的執行長Alexandra MacLean醫師主持,並邀請NIH Dr. Christopher Grunseich1概述SBMA治療的發展,並關注AJ201在SBMA中的潛力,並由University of California Dr. Tahseen Mozaffar2説明安基正在執行的AJ201臨床1b/2a試驗,以及針對即將在2024年第二季度公佈的1b/2a試驗初步資料的結果考量。  

1 Christopher Grunseich, M.D., Lasker Clinical Research Scholar and Investigator and Head of the Inherited Neuromuscular Diseases Unit at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke 

2 Tahseen Mozaffar, M.D., Professor of Neurology, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Director of the Division of Neuromuscular Diseases and Director of the ALS and Neuromuscular Center at the University of California, Irvine. 


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